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Life at IIHT

IIHT Jaipur is an institution based in Jaipur is an organisation that is devoted to assisting businesses in locating the appropriate computer training and consulting services for their company. Our goal is to be the best resource that is currently accessible, which will enable our customers to receive the most beneficial practical hands-on training or IT solutions. Customers expect the technology they use to be straightforward and effective. Your organisation will be able to make progress in the proper path with the support of Extensive Ideas’s solutions. 


Clients that have specific information technology requirements can take advantage of our specialised programming sessions. At IIHT Jaipur Ideas, we guarantee to each and every one of our customers that each and every one of our classes will be designed to be an accurate representation of the working world. We are able to conduct training either at our location or at the place chosen by the customer.

Our History

When we first conceived of IIHT Jaipur, our primary objective was to provide people from all walks of life with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and abilities necessary to thrive in the 21st century. We set out to devise a novel, interactive method of education, with the goals of making it interesting, adaptable, and available to the greatest number of people as we could. Since that time, we have assisted millions of individuals all over the world in achieving their full potential via the use of code and unlocking contemporary technological abilities.

Our Mission
We envision a society in which everyone has access to the educational tools, resources, and opportunities necessary to create something important with technology. This is the kind of world we want to create. The only things necessary to unlock the potential that lies within code are an inquisitive mind and a strong desire to learn. We at IIHT are dedicated to providing the means for all individuals, regardless of where they are in their coding journeys, to continue their education, develop professionally, and have an effect on the world in which they live.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)