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Web Designing

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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of Website Designing

8657 reviews (4.9/5)

A website is the online manifestation of a business. Therefore, it is essential for every business to ensure that their website is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also optimally functional in every way, including its design, features, navigation, and other essential elements. A business website is a portal through which potential consumers can visit a company and observe its unique qualities. 

The best web development training course in Jaipur will teach you how to construct attractive websites from the start. This is the most comprehensive classroom training that is entirely focused on application.

You will learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Design, JavaScript, jQuery, WordPress, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, AJAX, and more in order to work on both front-end and back-end development. By the end of this training in website development, you will be well on your way to becoming an accomplished web developer.

Learn from Authorities

At IIHT Jaipur, we have expert instructors who share their extensive knowledge for web designing courses from Rajasthan.


The entire training session is based on theoretical concepts, practical assignments, and projects. We also emphasise inviting many guest educators from the industry.

Practical Instruction

At IIHT Jaipur, we are proud of our laboratories equipped with all the necessary hardware and software.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)