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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of RHCE

37850 reviews (4.8/5)

IIHT RHCE/RHCSA Training teaches Linux server administrators. A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is a senior system administrator for Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems with enhanced skills, knowledge, and abilities.

Students will then set up Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server networking and security on live servers. The skills learned to install and maintain Linux networks in a corporate context will enable learners to administer Red Hat Server environments end-to-end at the server and organisation levels.

Flexible Schedules
FREE Demo on Request
24/7 Lifetime Support
One-on-One Doubt Clearing
Certification Assistance
Certification Oriented Curriculum
Real-time Project Use cases
Starting Your Career

With the IT sector expanding into new areas, now is a good moment to start Red Hat Certification training. AI and VR are expanding. Every industry needs a solid database management and operating system.

New Possibilities

All applicants have a fantastic chance with the Red Hat Exam.  The applicants are assessed based on their ability to conduct routine system administration tasks on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in a performance-based skill assessment.  Red Hat exams are convenient and very secure. You can pick a local location to take the test. 

You Can Get Into Support

You will get the chance to work with the services that a business offers customers that utilise technology-related goods or services.That means a Linux tech support agent offers assistance with regard to specific issues one may have with the RedHat Linux operating system.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)