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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of AWS

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In IIHT Jaipur is recognised as one of the top Amazon Web Services (AWS) training companies because of its team of experienced experts and its commitment to the field. Amazon Web Services is widely regarded as one of the most reliable cloud service providers, and the rapidly developing cloud computing platforms that are made available by both Amazon and AWS make for an exciting range of job opportunities. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) training that we provide in Jaipur will cover the whole standard module of Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is information that both students and professionals need to know in order to become devoted professionals who can work for a number of different firms.

Instructor-led Training
Exercises and Project Work
Certification and Job Assistance
Flexible Schedule
Lifetime free upgrade 24/7
Lifetime Support and Access
What is AWS

IIHT Jaipur offers industry-expert AWS certification training. AWS training matches the AWS Certified Solutions Architect test. Through hands-on projects and case studies, you’ll learn about AWS’s Elastic Cloud Compute, Simple Storage Service, Virtual Private Cloud, Aurora database service, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and more. This training implements AWS best practices.

Why AWS?

Amazon Web Services may help a company grow. AWS’s cost-effective plans are its biggest draw. The platform’s unique characteristics make it popular, and many IT hubs and other organisations start their pre-work immediately after AWS hosted execution. AWS’s other amazing features include identity and access management, security, deployment, directory services, storage, application services, computer services, and analytics.

Cloud Computing and AWS 101

Cloud Computing, AWS’s leadership in the cloud, and AWS’s cloud offerings introduction to S3, EC2, VPC, EBS, ELB, AMI, understanding the AWS architecture and the AWS Management Console, introducing AWS EC2, comparing Public IP and Elastic IP, launching an EC2 instance, auto-scaling, best practises, and cost, and understanding AWS backup services.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)