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Cloud Computing

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Our online Cloud Computing courses will provide you the tools you need to understand key Cloud Computing ideas and apply its many services. To address any issues with corporate infrastructure, you will have a thorough grasp of cloud hosting service providers and their design, deployment, services, and more. Our cloud training programmes are designed to assist you in passing the certification exams offered by the relevant vendors, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Enroll in these Cloud Certification courses to stand out in the IT sector and become certified to use the cloud effectively for your company.

Without a doubt, cloud computing is a field that is used in many different sectors. Gaining expertise in the cloud may advance your career in several ways, including:

Information Security Architect
Cloud Architect
Cloud Administrator
Cloud Security Manager
Cloud Engineer
Development Operations Engineer
Become a Cloud Developer

From backup and storage to PaaS, SaaS, microservices, and web services, this collection of courses teaches novice cloud developers the fundamentals they need to know.

Become a Cloud Administrator

While developers create and deliver new applications and services, administrators must make decisions regarding cloud computing platforms and tools. This course examines the fundamental aspects of cloud computing and certifications for aspiring administrators.

Digital Transformation for Tech Leaders

Cloud computing is a significant driver of digital transformation initiatives, according to this guide for tech leaders. IT leaders must comprehend not only the granular concepts of cloud computing, but also how this technology works into the enterprise as a whole. This learning path assists leaders in implementing cloud-based digital strategies.

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(10am - 05 pm)