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Data Science

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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of Data Science

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For every learning and development team, data science training must be a key priority. This burgeoning industry, dubbed “the sexiest job of the 21st century,” is now essential as organisations attempt to sort through an excess of data. The infamous statement by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt that we produce as much data every two days as we did between the beginning of time and 2003 was made in 2010. The avalanche of data has only continued since that time. Once every minute:

Americans consume more than 2.5 billion terabytes of data each year.
There are about 15 million texts exchanged each day.
Google does 3.6 million queries per day.
Given the vast amount of data being used, it should come as no surprise that data science and its subfields are among the top-growing professions in the country. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of data scientists compared to demand.

Leaders in talent development may assist their organisations in overcoming the talent shortage and gaining competitive advantages by putting in place strong data science training programmes.

Become a Data Scientist

Data science is still new, thus your staff may be beginners. This package of courses will assist your internal talent learn data science, whether they work in IT or want to.

Data Scientist operate in Team

Your staff will benefit from data abundance by working collaboratively. Anyone in your organisation may learn about data science and how to collaborate with a data science team here.

Master Python for Data Science

Data scientists need to know Python. These lectures emphasise Python’s function in data science rather than its broader object-oriented language.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)