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Why should you learn Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is piercing into almost every aspect of life and work – right from spam filters to algorithmic trading, playing a crucial role in today’s IT environment. Machine learning is now becoming a mainstay in almost all forms of technology, with over 50% of firms that have implementing it in their products. Over the last few years, innovations in machine learning technologies and algorithms have resulted in fraud detection, speech recognition, self-driven cars, accurate web searches and a constantly increasing understanding of the human genome. With the rapid pace of developments in Artificial Intelligence disrupting the industry, organizations have been seeking employees that are armed with hands-on experience with Machine Learning.

Learning Outcomes

Analyze data find relative patterns to predict outcomes

Analyze continuous data in varying scenarios

Analyze and find patterns in data by applying various techniques

Expert in Confirmatory Data analysis

Analyze continuous data by applying various testing, regression and correlation scenarios

Implement key components specific to text mining and analytics aided by the real world datasets and text mining

Demonstrate expert knowledge in predicting outcomes

Data Science with Python @ IIHT

IIHT’s Data Science with Python course is designed to help learners master data analysis by deploying various techniques, algorithms by understanding and applying these features in real-time scenarios. Upon completing the course, Learners will be able to analyze data and find relative patterns to predict outcomes on a variety of data sets. Learners also pick up the skills to analyze continuous data in various scenarios by obtaining the right set of text and apply required analytics.

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