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Data Analytics is a process of examining data sets collected so as to draw conclusions about information that they contain, by studying various parameters and patterns, increasingly with the aid of specialized software and systems. Data analytic techniques and technologies have been widely used in several industries to enable organizations to make well informed business decisions, helps companies set profitable goals, define business path, helps scientists and researchers disprove or verify scientific theories, hypotheses and theories.

This concept of big data analytics has been in existence since the 1950s. This was at a time when the term ‘big data’ did not exist and businesses were making use of analytics (basically numbers written on spreadsheets which were manually examined) in order to uncover trends and insights. Most organizations today understand that if they get all data that streams into their business, they can apply analytics and gain great value from it.

Why Data Analytics is Booming?

Big Data analytics allows organizations to harness all their data and make use of it all to identify new opportunities. This in turn, naturally leads to efficient operations, smarter business decisions, happier clients and higher profits. A research that interviewed over 50 large companies that all used data analytics confirmed the following ways in which data analytics helped:

Better, faster decision making: In-memory analytics and Hadoop combine with the ability to analyze new sources of information helping businesses analyze the given information instantly, helping make well-informed decisions.

Reducing Cost: More efficient ways of doing business is identified. Cloud based analytics also help reduce cost to a great extent when it comes to storing very large amounts of data.

New Services and Products: With the ability to gauge customer satisfaction and needs through analytics comes the coveted power to provide customers with exactly what they want. With Big Data analytics implemented, a lot more companies are creating new products to cater to their customers.

Staying agile: Data analytics sure helps organizations stay agile, well prepared with a competitive edge that they lacked earlier.

Why upskill to Data analytics

This growing demand for data scientists is growing at such a fast pace that McKinsey believes that within a short while, the demand will grow by 50%, making the demand more than the supply. So this naturally points to the fact that a massive potential is lying untapped in data analytics.

Today businesses are presently generating large amounts of data and they suffer an acute shortage of people who have skills to analyse and help them make sense of big data collected. Catering to this demand can open up an opportunity of fantastic job role.

Why Data Analytics at IIHT?

The Data Analytics Course at IIHT is an integrated one that also includes Advanced Data analytics

Generally, Data Analytics is popularly approached either with R or Python. At IIHT, you are taught both, opening up a lot more doorways for you, in terms of job search.

Provision of Labs from IIHT: Participants will have the flexibility to use browser based Labs without bothering about any investment on Infrastructure at their end.

Advanced Analytics integrated programme: IIHT’s Data analytics programme starts with the basics and also moves on to advanced concepts Text Mining, Machine Learning and Data Mining.

Learn Python and R: With regards to programming language, Data Analytics uses largely either Python or R. At IIHT, course participants are given the rare opportunity to learn both!

Integrated Advanced Data Analytics

At IIHT’s Data Analytics programme, the course furthers into Advanced Data Analytics in both Python and R. This course sharpens the student’s programming skills and refines one’s ability to work with complex and unstructured datasets. Students will be able to prepare and manipulate data for analysis and create a variety of visualizations for data exploration. The data skills picked up will allow course participants to form a patterned story with the data!

At IIHT’s Data Analytics Program, you get:

Industry expert for instructor-led training

Real-life projects

Blended learning for most engaged learning experience

Master tools and technologies

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