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Before getting into how a Java Fullstack developer is better than a Java Developer, let us understand what each of them is.

A Java developer will ideally be able to write code for probably just the front-end (which is the user interface) and/or the backend (administration side) and/or the actual web server that executes the Java code. A Java Developer can only see his/her part of coding resulting in a part of application’s feature working effectively. A Java developer is the one who has the ability to write Java code but will not be able to interact with the entire stack of the application. When we talk about stacks, we mean the web stacks when a full stack developer has the knowledge of whole parts of applications and additional technologies that allow applications to function well. Added to this, a Java fullstack developer also has the experience with databases, caching systems etc. The Java fullstack developer also has knowledge of running operating system/server administration related commands in order to get proper results.

Understanding stacks that a Java Fullstack Developer has to deal with:

Data Source layer: This layer consists of databases where the data is stored.

Data Access Layer: This layer consists of technologies that access one’s data sources.

Business Logic Layer: This is the crux of the application. All of the technologies and code that is needed to fulfill the business logic goes here.

Presentation Layer: This layer contains technologies that are needed to present the application on the user side.

For representation, these layers are all ‘stacked’ one on top of another. A Java developer makes use of different technologies in order to fulfill the purpose of every one of these layers, this is when you get a software stack or what is just called a ‘stack’. Fullstack, therefore, means the stack of technologies that are needed to build and run an entire application. A Java fullstack developer would use javafx or swing from front-end. He would be able to use database program like Oracle for back-end. A Java Developer, on the other hand, is an abstract form and can develop parts in Java and be able to use the Syntax well.

A Java full stack developer generally refers to developers who can do the following:

Be able to work around Linux and Unix Operating systems.

Be able to work around relational database like MySQL, Postgres and non-relational ones like Cassandra and MongoDB

Be able to use the web framework – JSP, Servlets, Struts, JSF, Ratpack, Play Framework etc.

Strong in Java, Java Script, SQL, CSS, and HTML.

Has knowledge of using DI frameworks like Guice and Spring.

Be able to use ORM frameworks like Hibernate.

Be able to write and set up all kinds of testing strategies like integration and unit testing with use of tools like Mockito, JUnit etc.

Are aware of associated infrastructure technologies for caching, metrics, logging, security, queues, searching and more.

Be able to work with the VCS (Version Control System) like Git.

Be able to work with some DevOps tools like Jenkins.

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