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AI is a branch of computer science that aims to make machines capable of intelligent behavior. Within AI there are engineering and segmentation, with machine learning being one of the biggest and fastest growing areas. Machine learning algorithms learn from examples and expertise as opposed to relying upon rules or algorithms. Within system learning there are additional segments, like deep learning, that focuses on the deep neural network constructions. Today, AI is benefitting from the combination of technological innovations and wider experience affordable cloud computing infrastructure, availability of large datasets, and algorithm optimization. These advancements, together with increased investment in AI research, have created an environment for AI to sustainably flourish and contribute meaningfully to businesses and society.


The current resurgence of AI was largely driven by advances in machine learning. These improvements have led to discoveries in natural language processing, recommender systems, and picture recognition. Machine learning is largely divided into two different learning methods:

Supervised learning, that uses a known dataset to create terminals based on labeled inputs and outputs information.

Unsupervised learning, which provides conclusions from datasets containing information without labeled outputs.

The most common method at work today is supervised learning, with unsupervised learning showing excellent promise for broader applications. In each method of learning, there are multiple algorithm classes and algorithms to select from.

Decisions here will change based on the kind of difficulty or the desired result. In a system learning workflow, every sector of the method requires specific kinds of resources of expertise and amounts. While domain expertise is essential for the pre processing / feature engineering part of the workflow the coaching phase requires different AI expertise and not as much domain knowledge. From an infrastructure viewpoint, the most resource intensive phase is the model building phase, when the information is processed. Understanding the tradeoffs of every approach as well as the sort of problem being solved becomes significant when constructing a Machine Learning model.

What exactly is an AI Stack

The AI stack is the infrastructure needed to operate AI models, such as optimization elements, storage, data process, and analytics tools. Below we touch upon the main individual stacks of AI:

Components: CPU FPGA (Intel’s hybrid chip), and specialized ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit chip) are the foundational parts of the AI stack. Even though CPU are ubiquitous, graphics processing unit and FPGA employed in the resource training phase of machine learning have led to great advances in learning. For the inference part, that requires tools; traditional processor or low power FPGA or ASIC are the most typical options.

Compute cloud vendors are currently offering solutions tailored to AI. The availability of cloud computing alternatives enables any SMB or group to operate AI models at an affordable price.

Storage: With the vast quantity of information, necessary learning, especially throughout the features engineering stage and data storage is crucial. The emergence of Hadoop, cloud and clusters object storage has considerably advanced information storage capacity to support AI usage cases. The AI stack depends on the services provided by public cloud providers and open source projects. In concert, the embrace of open source as accepted standard has generated development through the AI ecosystem.

Google’s open source Google Library illustrates this state of mind by allowing anyone with an interest in machine learning to develop models without having to create libraries and algorithms from scratch.

IIHT’s Artificial Intelligence corporate course is a thorough hands-on-training of all stacks in AI through 5 comprehensive levels. Get in touch today at els.iiht.com for more details.

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