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‘EDGE’ over ‘CLOUD’ – The Current Enterprise Shift!

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‘EDGE’ over ‘CLOUD’ – The Current Enterprise Shift!

Consumer and Enterprise Users have sort of made the most of Cloud Technology. But with the ever-growing workloads, the Internet of Things (IoT), and real-time analytics, businesses are starting to look elsewhere for their computing needs.

Is Cloud enough to satisfy our Technological thirst? Or Edge is the real deal from now onwards?
To answer, rather analyse this, let’s have a basic understanding of these two first.
The current wave of enterprise cloud computing has long been shifting processing off-premise and putting ‘a lot of the same things in a few places’, namely huge third-party data centres – many of which may be shared and/or offshore. This is Cloud Computing.
But with the continuous increase in the number of devices connected and the crunching and consumption of data more quickly than ever before, the latency of hosted solutions demands a new approach.
Edge Computing is usually termed as ‘processing of data at the edge of a network’. This refers to the processing of data at the user end instead of being processed in a local or virtual server.
With the rise of the IoT and embedded intelligence, the trend is moving the other way for many applications, putting ‘a few things in a lot of places’, which is a different strategic and operational technology challenge.

Put another way, the pendulum of the IT industry is swinging away from centralised services – such as those in the cloud – and back towards distributed systems, especially for real-time data processing in IoT, sensor array, AI, data triage, and machine-to-machine instant messaging applications.

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