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Artificial Intelligence

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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of AI Training

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You will study artificial neural networks, supervised and unsupervised learning, logistic regression from the perspective of a neural network, binary classification, vectorization, Python for scripting Machine Learning applications, and more as part of the best AI training.  

You may learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning skills including Data Science, CNN, Perceptron, TensorFlow, Neural Networks, and NLP with our online Artificial Intelligence courses. To become a successful AI Engineer, learn AI from IIHT Jaipur expertise trainers and participate in the best online artificial intelligence programme!

30+ Hours Course Duration
100% Job Oriented Training
Industry Expert Faculties
Completed 500+ Batches
Certification Guidance
Can Computers Think

The idea of artificial intelligence was developed quite quickly, in the latter 1950s. Let’s now examine how this clever device actually functions. Each day, more frontpage articles on man-made awareness are published. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the technology that enables robots to understand reality and carry out tasks analogous to those performed by humans.

Artificial Intelligence’s Scope

To solve problems as effectively as humans, artificial intelligence’s ultimate goal. The range of work done by recognised experts in artificial intelligence includes creating voice recognition technology, expert systems, gaming, robots, language detection technology, computer vision, and more.

Benefits of an Artificial Intelligence Course

Students and professionals may learn about self-driving vehicles, facial recognition, online search, industrial robotics, and tumour detection in our artificial intelligence courses, which are created with their needs in mind. Using a variety of AI technologies, we assist individuals in understanding and resolving practical issues.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)