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BigData Hadoop

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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of BigData Hadoop

3876 reviews (4.8/5)

Data analysis involves deciphering raw data, processing it, and drawing conclusions that might inform company initiatives. Latest research shows that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced daily, and the quantity is rising. Traditional frameworks and systems cannot efficiently store and analyse these massive data sets. To analyse and make sense of huge data, distributed storage and parallel processing were needed. Apache Hadoop gives Big Data management the strength it needs. Wanted analytics indicated that Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (25%), Information Technology (17%), Manufacturing (15%), Finance and Insurance (9%) and Retail Trade (8%) hire Big Data experts.

60 Hrs Instructor Led Training
80 Hrs Self-paced Videos
120 Hrs Project & Exercises
Job Assistance
Flexible Schedule
Lifetime Free Upgrade
Mentor Support
Expert Designed The Curriculum

The most recent technological breakthroughs are constantly included into our training materials. Maintain your worldwide relevance and provide yourself the best training possible!

Train Yourself By Doing

Learn the theory with the support of real-world case studies, activities, and coding practise. Acquire information and abilities that can be put to good use.

Taught by Business leaders

Study under the industry’s top experts. All of our mentors have extensive professional experience in the fields they teach.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)