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Certified Ethical Hacker

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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of Certified Ethical Hacker.

28057 reviews (4.9/5)

If you go to any news website, you will discover an article about a severe cyberattack that happened recently. However, many upper-level managers lack the technical knowledge required to properly allocate resources to ensure cybersecurity, increasing vulnerability to attacks.

Design and build machine learning algorithms. Find employment within three months of graduation. And, after two years, eighty percent on average have management responsibilities. This data was provided by over 3,000 Alumni who participated in our 2020 Service Evaluation.

Apply a code of ethics to testing situations
Perform technical vulnerability assessments
Determine appropriate remediations for vulnerabilities
Operate tools and utilities used in security testing
Describe a basic penetration testing methodology
Compare differences between testing methodologies that exist Identify appropriate testing tools
You begin to think More like a hacker

You need to be aware of how hackers think and act in order to protect against them successfully. A benefit of CEH certification is that it allows you to understand how hackers think. You learn how to predict and thwart a hacker’s movements thanks to your understanding of how they think.

Salary increase with CEH Certification

Although CEH certification increases your pay, there are additional advantages to earning more money, such as improved CV restructuring and development in the security industry.

You get knowledge about vulnerabilities, threats and hazards

You will have a thorough awareness of the most recent risks, threats, and vulnerabilities that organisations are currently facing if you become a CEH certified expert. Having this information is crucial for creating security measures that work.

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