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Download our latest Brochure & Detailed Syllabus of Python .

12370 reviews (4.9/5)

IIHT Jaipur Python training course in Jaipur covers the principles of the language as well as how to apply it to various applications in the real world. The modules, projects, and assignments that make up the curriculum cover data operations in Python, strings, conditional statements, error handling, shell scripting, web scraping, and the Python web framework Django, which is widely used.

Access our Python course in both online and offline modes. The duration, however, might vary based on which mode of the course you would choose. Generally, the offline mode requires a longer duration for completion.

Course Area: Includes the basics of Python programming; and offers a thorough understanding of Python programming in data science and machine learning
Duration: 60 days
Skills to gain: Full Stack, Bootstrap, Django, Database Systems, Web Development, Data Modelling, and Python Programming
Build your talents for actual professional advancement

Curriculum that is cutting edge and was built in consultation with industry and academics to build skills that are job-ready.

Time To Crack Phython

Leading practitioners who present the most recent and best practices as well as case studies to classes that are tailored to accommodate your work schedule.

Effortless Comprehension

Python is a simple and easy-to-learn programming language. However, you can opt for the IIHT Python courses to make it even more effortless for yourself. Assure yourself the fastest and most skillful learning process with our Python courses.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)