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Machine learning is an element of AI (perhaps a driving force) in which computers are programmed to have the ability to self-teaching and improve the performance of their specific tasks. Essentially, machine learning is the analysis of big data – automatically extracting information and using it to make predictions, deciphering whether the predictions are correct, and if not correct, learning from them to make more accurate predictions in the future.
Google, Amazon, Netflix, and other monolithic online platforms use it to provide algorithm-based semantic results that analyze users’ searches, purchases, and view history to predict what they are looking for or more likely to want.

The data they have is very large. A recent global digital report released by We Are Social and Hootsuite pointed out that the number of people using the Internet to search in 2018 reached 4 billion. Every second, the amount of search processed is about 40,000, which is equivalent to 3.5 billion per day, or 1.2 trillion searches per year is incredible. Every year, humans spend an equivalent of 1 billion years online.

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