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Do you know 90% of the global data that we see today has been created in the last two years! That has been the long and short of the data explosion. This enormous generation and flow of data has to do with rapid proliferation of information technology across the vast swathe of both IT and IT enabled enterprises.


With such a voluminous flow of data criss-crossing the globe every second and minutes of the day, enterprises both in the private and public sector spanning finance, banks, trade, commerce, national security, defense and other critical sectors are greatly faced with the gargantuan task of securing them. It is here that the network security assumes so much importance for today’s increasingly IT-dependent businesses and enterprises.


But why network security is so important? It is indeed as important as keeping your ATM password or bank lockers’ keywords closely guarded secret. As enterprises move data along the information highway at a feverish speed enabled by internet connectivity it becomes even more important to protect them against unwanted extraneous elements. Within the organisation networking enables speedy flow of communication, ensuring seamless delivery of service and products.


This brings into sharp focus the enormous responsibility that an enterprise entrusts a network security specialist with, who acts as both key administrator and data security manager. As someone with such a huge responsibility, a network professional’s job is well cut out in an organisation. He or she is one who makes sure that firewalls, antivirus software on servers and computers are well in place. This is besides the task of protecting networks against any security loopholes.


In today’s highly volatile situation, amid reports of hackers on rampage, increasing vulnerability of data to damage from elements inimical to the organisation core business interests and threats of data theft, network security has assumes paramount importance. Especially vulnerable are investment and insurance companies and various government agencies dealing with highly sensitive data on a daily basis.


This vulnerability, ironically, is also creating increasing opportunities for trained network and security professionals. According to an estimate, various IT and IT-enabled organisations in the United States at present employ over 366,000 network and security specialists. About 42,000 new jobs in the segment are expected to be added by 2022.


Writing in ‘Computer Weekly’ Karl Flinders, services editor of the online publication quoting a research by Hackett Group, says, “Businesses in Europe and the US will transfer about 750,000 jobs, including IT, to lower-cost locations over the next four years, taking the total number of jobs offshored to 2.3 million by 2016…The research revealed that jobs in IT, finance, human resources and procurement will continue to move to locations such as India where 40% of the jobs will go.”


This means a great opportunity awaits professionals, including in Network security sector, in the new-year 2016 in India. According to a study skill-gap among a large number of educated persons in India has been the main obstacle to their employability. Formal education in India is still not mapped towards employability. This has come as a major impediment to making IT job aspirants job-ready.


Towards bridging the skill gap and making candidates job-ready, IT talent development and training institutions like IIHT has come forward with their innovative curriculum in network and security and other demanding sectors in the IT field. IIHT curriculum and training methodology ensures that candidates are trained based on jobs available in the demanding recruitment marketplace. The organisation takes the help of its Enterprise Learning Solutions to gain rich intelligence about dynamic trends spanning IT jobs and roles.


The IIHT’s comprehensive diploma programme in Networking teaches CompTIA-A+, CCNA, understanding Network Routing and Managing Complex Multi-Site Network Infrastructure, Understanding and Configuring client/server/OS Network Stacks, Learning and Managing Wireless Network Infrastructure, CCNA-Voice, CCNA-Security, Understanding and Implementing, Software Defined Network in an enterprise, JNCIA(Juniper Network Certified Associate) and Security Fundamentals (CCSA, CEH, CISA, CISSP).


What further adds value to the IIHT diploma programme in Network and Security is the CISCO certification in networking. The all encompassing training opens doors of opportunities for candidates for lucrative and demanding roles as Capacity Engineer, Network Support Engineer, Security Engineer, Information Security Analyst, Senior Network Security Engineer, Security Operations Management, Enterprise Escalation Desk, etc.

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